Centros con Códigos QR en Español

centros con codigos QR en espanol

Just in case you have not noticed, this month I have been on a QR creation craze!  Seeing how excited kids get when they are able to interact with QR codes and technology during their daily stations motivates me to keep making activities like these.

Most of the activities I have made lately have been in English.  I have not forgotten my Spanish teaching friends!

I just finished up these two stations in Spanish.  If you have students that are beginning to combine two Spanish syllables into words, these stations are right for you.

Both stations are included in this product.  Each set includes 12 task cards and an answer recording sheet. All the word in this unit include syllables with the vowels a-o and have a cv-cv pattern.  For example: vaca, mono, pato.

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  • Reply
    January 10, 2015 at 2:13 pm

    This product looks great!

    • Reply
      Nancy Alvarez
      January 10, 2015 at 2:52 pm

      Thanks, glad you like it. I appreciate your feedback.

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